The writing of 18th century sex workers with Alex Collinson

joined by Alexandra Collinson, a third year PhD student at Newcastle University studying eighteenth-century literature. We’ll be talking about her project, The Sex Workers’ Revolution: Prostitution and Feminism in Women’s writing, 1787-1801, and more broadly about women, sex work, virtue and motherhood in eighteeth century England and Ireland.

Rape in period drama TV

In this episode I'm joined by Dr Julie Taddeo and Dr Katherine Byrne to talk about their 2022 book Rape in Period Drama Television: Consent, Myth, and Fantasy.

IWD – Sex worker and activist Carol Leigh

Sex worker, activist & interdisciplinary artist, Carol Leigh (aka Scarlot Harlot) was born in New York City on 11th January 1951.Carol began sex work at the age of 28 after moving to San Francisco in the late 70s. She started working in a parlour & described herself as being "enchanted" by the other women there.... Continue Reading →


You can now find links in episode source lists for some of the books used to research season one. If you buy books linked to this site, I may earn a commission from, whose fees support independent bookshops. You will also find lists of other books related to the history of sex, sexuality,... Continue Reading →

That’s a wrap!

Season one has come to an end. Unfortunately I'm just too ill at the moment to finish episode 10 as I promised, so instead of punishing myself for the rest of the summer I'm going to end it here and try to get as well as I can. I plan on giving the podcast a... Continue Reading →

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